ULAB’s Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ) Department has proven itself to be the most successful of its kind in the country. It has the most advanced and integrated curriculum, which is focused on preparing professionals for the communication and media industry. It has a robust co-curricular program in various fields of the discipline – journalism, radio, television, film, photography, animation and public relations – which compliments academic learning. It is most productive in terms of research production and dissemination; participating continuously in various local and international conferences within or outside the discipline. As of December 2017, it has 1019 (Male: 767; Female: 252) undergraduate and 62 (Male: 36; Female: 26) graduate students (a total of 1081). It has a total of 30 faculty (13 Full-time, 17 Part-time), 8 instructors and 4 teaching assistants, 3 Media Lab Instructors and 3 Administrative Officers.
Media Studies and Journalism department offers two programs: