Credit transfer is possible from an educational institution with a curriculum similar to the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. A student may apply for transfer of credits of similar course/degree earned from another university/institution only after having gained admission at ULAB subject to a maximum of half the total credits applicable for the particular course/degree at ULAB.
Syllabi and Official Transcripts from all previously attended institutions/universities must be submitted at the time of application for credit transfer. Only credits of relevant courses in which s/he earned grade B or better may be transferable to ULAB. For Credit Transfer please contact the following offices -
Office of the Registrar
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
Permanent Campus
Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Room Number – D106
PABX – 113, 114, 115
Mobile: +8801730328697
Email: [email protected]
Admissions Office
Mobile: +8801730-082197, +8801713-091936, +8801714-161613.
Email: [email protected]