Online certificate course on Non Violent Communication held at ULAB

Online certificate course on Non Violent Communication held at ULAB

Publish Date: 
Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Department of Media Studies and Journalism in collaboration with Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, India organized an online course on ‘Nonviolent Communication’ on 19 November 2020. The program was hosted by Senior Lecturer of Media Studies and Journalism Department Nandita Tabassum Khan. The head of the department, Dr. Jude William Genilo gave a welcome speech at the event.

The session was then conducted by Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, the Programme Officer of Gandhi Smriti, and Darshan Samiti, an institute under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. Dr. Kundu shed light on the topic through a well-briefed presentation. He discussed 12 aspects of nonviolent communication and the opportunity to practice nonviolent communication in daily life.

Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu presents the main session of the event


The last segment of the session was dedicated to questions and answers from the participants. Finally, the online certificate course on ‘Non Violent Communication’ successfully ended with appreciation certificates for the participants and a vote of thanks for the main speaker of the course.

The session discusses the significance of Nonviolent Communication in daily lives.