Course Catalogue

Course Code: CSE 4401
Course Name:
Computer Graphics
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Introduction to Graphical data processing, Fundamentals of interactive graphics programming, Architecture of display devices and connectivity to a computer, Implementation of graphics concepts of two-dimensional and three-dimensional viewing, clipping and transformations, Hidden line algorithms, Raster graphics concepts: Architecture, algorithms and other image synthesis methods, Design of interactive graphic conversations.

Course Code: CSE 4402
Course Name:
Computer Graphics Lab
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Lab works based on CSE 4401.

Course Code: CSE 4403
Course Name:
Advanced Algorithm
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Computational complexity, Parameterized complexity, Algorithms for combinatorial optimization, practical computing and heuristics, Approximation algorithms, LP based approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms, Experimental algorithmic, Algorithms in state-of-the-art fields like Bioinformatics, Grid Computing, VLSI design etc.

Course Code: CSE 4405
Course Name:
Compiler Design
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Theory and Practice; An introduction to compiler and interpreter design, with emphasis on practical solutions using compiler writing tools such as Yacc in UNIX, and the C programming language, Topics covered include: lexical scanners, context free languages and pushdown automata, recursive descent parsing, bottom up parsing, attributed grammars, symbol table design, run time memory allocation, machine language, code generation and optimisation.

Course Code: CSE 4406
Course Name:
Compiler Design Lab
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Lab works based CSE 4405.

Course Code: CSE 4407
Course Name:
Basic Graph Theory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

simple graphs, digraphs, subgraphs, vertex-degrees, walks, paths and cycles; Trees, spanning trees in graphs, distance in graphs; Complementary graphs, cut-vertices, bridges and blocks, k-connected graphs; Euler tours, Hamiltonian cycles, Chinese Postman Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem; Chromatic number, chromatic polynomials, chromatic index, Vizing’s theorem, planar graphs, perfect graphs.

Course Code: CSE 4407
Course Name:
Basic Graph Theory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Simple graphs, digraphs, subgraphs, vertex-degrees, walks, paths and cycles; Trees, spanning trees in graphs, distance in graphs; Complementary graphs, cut-vertices, bridges and blocks, k-connected graphs; Euler tours, Hamiltonian cycles, Chinese Postman Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem; Chromatic number, chromatic polynomials, chromatic index, Vizing’s theorem, planar graphs, perfect graphs.

Course Code: CSE 4409
Course Name:
Mathematical Analysis for Computer Science
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Recurrent problems; Manipulation of sums; Number theory; Special numbers; Generating functions. Random variables; Stochastic process; Markov chains: discrete parameter, continuous parameter, birth-death process; Queuing models: birth-death model, Markovian model, open and closed queuing network; Application of queuing models.

Course Code: CSE 4411
Course Name:
Computational Geometry
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Topics in surface modeling: b-splines, non-uniform rational b-splines, physically based deformable surfaces, sweeps and generalized cylinders, offsets, blending and filleting surfaces. Non-linear solvers and intersection problems. Solid modeling: constructive solid geometry, boundary representation, non-manifold and mixed-dimension boundary representation models, octrees. Robustness of geometric computations. Interval methods. Finite and boundary element discretization methods for continuum mechanics problems. Scientific visualization. Variational geometry. Tolerances. Inspection methods. Feature representation and recognition. Shape interrogation for design, analysis, and manufacturing. Involves analytical and programming assignments.

Course Code: CSE 4413
Course Name:
Topics of Current Interest
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

As necessary.
