Course Catalogue

Course Code: FIN 605
Course Name:
Financial Information Analysis
All major core courses
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course provides you with a framework for analyzing a firm’s past performance, estimating its future performance, and valuing its equity.

Course Code: FIN 606
Course Name:
Financial Derivatives
All major core courses
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course focuses on derivative securities, such as, options, futures and swaps. Topics included in this course are: an introduction to various types of derivative securities, an understanding of the markets in which derivative securities are traded, different pricing models of options and futures, and the use derivative securities in managing portfolio risk.

Course Code: FIN 607
Course Name:
Risk Management & Insurance
All major core courses
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

To provide an understanding and an appreciation of the principles and practices of risk management in order to enable production of the optimum strategy for the handling of risk in an organization. Also, to develop a sound appreciation of the nature of risk, its assessment and management, to acquire a knowledge of the nature and function of insurance and a knowledge of basic statistical concepts relating to the insurance environment.

Course Code: FIN 608
Course Name:
Sustainable Finance
All major core courses
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course covers diverse aspects of sustainable investments and offers tools for effective financial valuation and risk assessment. We combine key theoretical and empirical studies from various disciplines to understand how companies can undertake steps to adopt sustainability principles in ways that serve both their business goals and society at large.

Course Code: FIN 609
Course Name:
Personal Financial Management
All major core courses
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course covers effective   financial   decision-making, including   informed   decisions regarding budgets, investment, insurance, retirement, and estate planning.

Course Code: FIN 610
Course Name:
Real Estate Finance
All major core courses
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course covers real estate finance, including the institutions and instruments used to finance residential and commercial real estate. It introduces valuation and appraisal methods used for real estate finance and investment decision making.

Course Code: GED 100
Course Name:
Bangladesh Studies
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Bangladesh has evolved on the various utilitarian practices of the inhabitants for thousands of years. The course will focus on the development of Bangladesh right from antiquity and examine the processes of change of all the major aspects that the study of Bangladesh entails. Through this course the students will learn about the ideology, people, land, origin, ecological setting, resources, government, constitution, politics, administration, economy, and society of Bangladesh. The course will investigate the ideas of the past societies in the formation of present Bangladesh and help the students to understand the methodology for planning its future.

Course Code: GED 101
Course Name:
Bangla Bhasha
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course is designed to give the students descriptive knowledge about Bangla phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and writing system. It will help them to acquire speaking, reading and writing skill of Bangla language and finally they will have a comprehensive knowledge on literary analysis. After completion of this course the students will be able to know the sounds and sounds system of Bangla, understand the word and word formation rules, get input on Bangla sentence and its meaning, and present and write papers on literary genres.

Course Code: GED 201
Course Name:
World Civilization
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course examines the foundation of the modern world on the ruins of 10,000 years of advanced cultures and civilizations across the globe. Through this course the students will investigate the ideas of the past societies in the formation of civilizations. The topics of the course include World Prehistory, Early Civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Africa, Indus Valley, Yangtze Valley, Phoenicia, Persia, Greece, Rome, Byzantine Latin America, Islamic Civilization, New World “Conquest”, Colonization, Imperialism, European Renaissance, Scientific Revolution; Age of Enlightenment, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, World Wars I and II, the Cold War, Liberation Movements and De-colonization, Neo-Colonialism and Globalization.

Course Code: GED 202
Course Name:
History of Bangla Literature*
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Through this course students will learn the history of the Old Bangla Literature (pre-Muslim period), Middle Bangla Literature (from 12th to 18th century) and Modern Bangla Literature (from 18th to mid-20th century).
* This course will be taught in Bangla
