Renewable energy sources: Solar, wind, mini-hydro, geothermal, biomass,
wave and tides. Solar photovoltaic: Characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) systems, PV models and
equivalent circuits, sun tracking systems. Maximum power point tracking: chopper, inverter.
Sizing the PV panel and battery pack in stand-alone PV applications. Solar energy applications
In residential, electric vehicle, naval, and space. Solar power plants connected to grid. Solar
thermal: principles of concentration, solar tower, parabolic dish, receiver, storage, steam turbine and generator. Wind turbines: Turbine types, power limitation, Betz’s law; Control mechanism: Pitch, yaw, speed. Couplings between turbine and electric generator. Wind turbine generator – DC, synchronous, self-excited induction generator and doubly fed induction generator. Grid interconnection: Active and reactive power control. Biomass and biogas electricity generation.
EEE 477
EEE 477
Course Code: EEE 477
Course Name:
Renewable Energy Systems
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus: