Webinar on "Surviving the Second Wave: Discussion on the New Virus"

Webinar on "Surviving the Second Wave: Discussion on the New Virus"

April 29, 2021, 3:00 pm to April 30, 2021, 3:45 pm
Zoom Online
ULAB Student Affairs Office (SAO)

As we all recognize that without sound physical health we can not function properly. Therefore, please join the session and get answers to the concerns and queries that you may have regarding the new variant of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Student Affairs Office (SAO) at ULAB cares for the members of the ULAB family and wishes that you will utilize this opportunity by joining the session and prepare yourselves for the upcoming changes and challenges. Link - https://bdren.zoom.us/j/65999672634?pwd=VHQxMk01SUpEbW9BMGxWMndXcGozUT09