Rianon Zaman has a teaching experience of three years in the department of Computer Science and Engineering Department at Stamford University.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
MSc. United International University (UIU)
BSc. Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET)
Bioinformatics, Machine Learning.
Rianon Zaman, Shahana Yasmin Chowdhury, Mahmood A. Rashid·, Alok Sharma , Swakkhar Shatabda, “HMMBinder: DNA-Binding Protein Prediction Using HMM Profile Based Features”, BioMed Research International Volume 2017 (2017),
Article ID 4590609.
Date: 03/09/2017
Kazi Wasif Ahmed, Israt Jahan Mouri, Rianon Zaman, NilufaYeasmin ,”A Privacy Preserving Personalized Group Recommendation Framework, “Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC-2016),27-28 February,2016,S R K R Engineering College, Bhimavaram, India.
Date: 02/27/2016