Course Catalogue

Course Code: EEE 204
Course Name:
Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 203.

Course Code: EEE 205
Course Name:
Electrical Machines I
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Transformer: Ideal transformer-transformer ratio, no-load and load vector diagrams; actual transformer-equivalent circuit, regulation, short circuit and open circuit tests, voltage regulation, per unit quantities, polarity of windings, vector group. Three-phase transformer: Design and harmonic suppression. Auto and instrumentation transformers. Three-phase induction motor: Rotating magnetic field, equivalent circuits, vector diagram, torque-speed characteristics, effect of changing rotor resistance reactance on torque-speed curves, motor torque, developed rotor power, no-load test, blocked rotor test, per unit values of machine parameters, starting, braking and speed control. Single phase induction motor: Theory of operation, equivalent circuit and starting

Course Code: EEE 209
Course Name:
Electrical Machines II
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Synchronous Generators: excitation systems, equivalent circuit, vector diagrams at different loads, factors affecting voltage regulation, synchronous impedance, synchronous impedance method of predicting voltage regulation and its limitations. Parallel operation: Necessary conditions, synchronizing and circulating current and vector diagram. Synchronous motors: Operation, effect of loading under different excitation conditions, effect of changing excitations, V-curves and starting. DC generator: types, no-load voltage characteristics, build-up of a self-excited shunt generator, critical field resistance, load-voltage characteristics, effect of speed on noload and load characteristics and voltage regulation. DC motors: Torque, counter emf, speed, torque-speed characteristics, starting and speed regulation. Introduction to wind turbine generators construction and basic characteristics of solar cells.

Course Code: EEE 210
Course Name:
Electrical Machines Laboratory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 205 and EEE 209.

Course Code: EEE 211
Course Name:
Electronic Measurements and Instrumentations
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Significance and methods of measurements, Electrical and Electronic. Absolute and secondary instruments. Analog and digital instruments, Electronic instruments. RMS and quasi responding voltmeters, Automation in voltmeters, Accuracy and errors in digital instruments. Transducers, Signal generators, Frequency synthesizers and frequency analyzers, Analog and digital frequency meters. Oscilloscopes, Absorption and detection of radiation, Single channel and multi-channel analyzers. Medical instruments: ECG, EEG, EMG, X-ray, Ultrasonography, Endoscopies, Pace-makers, CT-Scan, MRI. Analytical instruments: pH meter, Thermal conductivity meters, Gas chromatograph, Spectrophotometers, Mass spectrometers, SEM, TEM. Interfacing systems: Measurement and control of temperature, pressure, flow, strain, acceleration, vibration, liquid level and humidity. Instrument systems, types and techniques, versatility, data acquisition, stimulus response control, automatic testing, analog and digital interfaces, digital and computer-controlled systems analog and digital recording systems, readouts and displays, Grounding of instruments. Electrical Measurements: Ammeter, Voltmeter, Ohmmeter, wattmeter Energy meter, Gauss and frequency meter, Extension of instrument ranges, electronics measuring instrument and oscilloscope.

Course Code: EEE 212
Course Name:
Electronic Measurement and Instrumentations Laboratory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 211. Students will also perform specific design of measuring instrument learned in EEE 211.

Course Code: EEE 301
Course Name:
Digital Electronics
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Introductory concepts, binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems. BCD, ASCII codes. Logic gates and Boolean algebra. Combinational circuit design using NAND or NOR gates. Minimization of switching functions, algebraic and graphical simplification of Boolean expression, Quine McLuskey method. NAND and NOR latches. Clocked SR, JK, D and T flip-flop applications. Frequency division and counting. Arithmetic circuits. Half-adder and full-adder. Parallel adders, IC parallel adders. The 2’s complement for addition and subtraction. The BCD adder. Binary multiplier. Counter: asynchronous ripple up and down counters, counters with any MOD numbers, asynchronous IC counters, propagation delay. Parallel up, down and up/down counters, presentable counters. Decoding a counter. Cascading counters. Register: Shift registers, IC shift registers, shift-register counters. Frequency counter, digital clock. MSI Logic circuits: BCD-to-decimal decoders, BCD-to-7-segment decoder/drivers. Encoders: multiplexers and their applications, demultiplexers. Analog to digital conversion (ADC), digital-ramp ADC, successive approximation ADC, flash ADC. Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC): circuits, specifications, applications. Sample and hold circuits. Integrated circuit (IC) logic families: TTL logic family, standard TTL series characteristics, other TTL series, TTL loading rules, TTL open collector outputs, tristate TTL. The ECL family. Digital MOSFET circuits, CMOS circuits, CMOS tristate logic, TTL driving CMOS, driving TTL. Memory devices:
semiconductor memory technologies. ROM architecture, timing, and types of ROM. EPROM, EEPROM, ROM applications. RAM architecture, static and dynamic RAM, DRAM structure operation and refreshing.

Course Code: EEE 302
Course Name:
Digital Electronics Laboratory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 301. Students will also perform specific design of measuring instrument learned in EEE 301.

Course Code: EEE 303
Course Name:
Digital Signal Processing
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Introduction to digital signal processing. Sampling, quantization and signal reconstruction. Analysis of discrete-time system in the time domain: impulse response model, difference equation model. Correlation and convolution: power signal, energy signal, applications. Z-transform and analysis of LTI systems. Frequency analysis of discrete-time signals: discrete Fourier series and discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT). Frequency analysis of LTI systems. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast Fourier transform (FFT). Minimum phase, maximum phase and all pass systems. Calculation of spectrum of discrete-time signals. Digital filter design- linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal methods; IIR filters specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-linear Z-transformation, least squares methods.

Course Code: EEE 304
Course Name:
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 303.
