Introduction: Motivation & errors in numerical techniques. Taylor series.
Finite difference calculus: Forward, backward, divided & central difference and difference of a polynomial. Interpolation: Newton’s formula, Lagrange, Spline, Chebyshev and inverse. Extrapolation. Non-linear equation: iteration, bisection, false position,
Raphson, Secant & Mullar’s method. Simultaneous linear algebraic equations: Cramer’s rule, inversion of matrices, Guass elimination, Guass-Jordan method, factorization & Guass-Seidal iteration method, Curve-fitting: linear & polynomial regression, fitting power, exponential & trigonometric functions. Ordinary differential equation: Initial value problem, Taylor’s series method, Picard’s method of successive approximation, Euler’s method and Ranga-Kutta method. Boundary value problems. Numerical integration: general Quadrature formula, trapezoidal rule & Simpson’s rule. Numerical Differentiation.
Course Catalogue
Instruction and data access methods; Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) design:
arithmetic and logical operations, floating point operations; Processor design: data paths- single cycle and multi cycle implementations; Control Unit design: hardware and microprogrammed
Pipeline- pipelined data path and control, hazards and exceptions. Memory organization: cache, virtual memory; Buses; Multiprocessors, type of multiprocessor performance, single bus multiprocessors, clusters.
Introduction to real time system; Classification of real time process; Real time
scheduling; Real time programming; Implementation; Operating systems; Real time I/O. Real
Time design methodologies. Modeling for real time systems. Reliable and Safe design for critical
applications. Review of Microprocessor fundamentals and programmable input/ output devices
and systems for PC. Application examples: digital controls, robotics, on line systems,
communication with real world signals and automatic control using feedback, feed-forward and
adaptive control, control algorithm implementation.
Types of media. Multimedia signal characteristic: sampling, digital
representation, signal formats. Signal coding and compression: entropy coding, transform coding, vector quantization. Coding standards: H.26x, LPEG, MPEG. Multimedia communication networks: network topologies and layers, LAN, MAN, WAN, PSTN, ISDN, ATM, internetworking devices, the internet and access technologies, enterprise
networks, wireless LANs and wireless multimedia. Entertainment networks: cable, satellite and terrestrial TV networks, ADSL and VDSL, high speed modems. Transport protocols: TCP, UDP, IP, Ipv4, Ipv6, FTP, RTP and RTCP, use of MPLS and WDMA. Multimedia synchronization, security, QoS and resource management. Multimedia applications: The WWW, internet telephony, teleconferencing, HDTV, email and ecommerce.
In this course, students will study the practical problems in the field of electrical and electronic engineering.
In this course, students will be engaged with an industry or organization in the field of electrical and electronic engineering.
This course introduces students to the study of significant works of literature in selected genres. Emphasis is on close reading, understanding the literary terms associated with literary works, and developing critical thinking.
This course offers an advanced study of poetry and drama in English, building on what the students have learned in ENG 1101. The genre-based course introduces students to specific textual and contextual examples of different types of poetry and drama with a special focus on their elements, structures, and themes.
This introductory course focuses on different definitions, aspects, and characteristics of fiction and creative nonfiction, also known as the “elusive fourth genre.” Students will gain exposure to a variety of fictional and nonfictional works to understand their forms.